Fox Cities Delegation: The Legislative Branch

By: Hailey Doberstein

The 2019 – 2020 year for the Fox Cities legislative branch has come! And they are thrilled that another year of Youth in Government has arrived.

After listening in on one of the legislative meetings, I saw upfront how they went further into depth about their goals for this year. Even though they lost countless remarkable members, they were able to make up lost grounds by adding several new members to our delegation.

Furthermore, to ensure the smooth transition for new members, our head leaders of legislation provide this very important suggested goal: ALWAYS talk! Speak your mind regardless if you understand the task at hand or not. (Trust me, as I started off in Legislative my first year. I can tell you from first-hand experience that talking even once helps tremendously.)

Secondly, during their meeting they briefly discussed some bills they advise to avoid. Here’s the big kahuna- not only is it the most controversial, but also the most overcooked steak on the grill; should marijuana be legalized? It’s a proven pattern that we’ve all seen before that that at least one delegate, not just from the Fox Cities, but other delegations as well, will set it in their hearts to write their bill about legalizing marijuana. This leads to many similar bills in the Wisconsin delegation. Don’t be a follower, be a leader!

This year, make it your goal to think outside the box and have your bill stand out.

To conclude, whether you’re at a Youth in Government meeting, school, play, or even in the comfort of your own home, don’t neglect to show your praise with a little pizzazz with your spirit fingers!