A Welcome from Your Governor

Written by Carter King, 2020 Youth Governor

Hello everyone! I’m excited and ready for the rest of our Wisconsin Youth in Government session. Serving as your Governor has and will continue to be an absolute pleasure! Throughout the day, at PreGov, you will be seeing me pop in and out of your various program areas; please feel free to stop me, say hello, and ask any questions you may have for me. Outside of Youth in Government, I serve as the Head Costumer, and occasional Designer, for my high school’s theatre program! With that being said, for all of the theatre kids out there, let’s talk some theatre before the end of the day! Outside of those things, as I am sure all of you can tell, I love menswear! Yes, I have definitely worn a suit to school. Yes, I dress like this every day. I love to live by the mantra: look good, feel good.

Within my YIG experience, I have been honored to serve as a Floor Leader, the Speaker of the House, and the Secretary of State; in each position I have learned endless amounts about myself and the program as a whole. In the beginning of my time in our program, I used the lectern as a way to speak about the issues I deeply cared about and wished to share with my peers; that focus being Native American relations and sovereignty, an issue often lost at all levels of government. I positioned my bills in order to best explain and attempt to solve deep rooted issues that are described as niche and very frequently misconstrued; the ability to argue for the beliefs I hold, kept me engaged and ready for anything the program threw at me. After that rush began to fade, I began to be inspired and brought to action by the passion and bravado of the other delegates in my chamber. As I grew as a person and as a delegate, I was introduced to the passion that each delegate holds dear, each niche issue that they hold dear, and how invaluable their program areas are to them; this urged me to run for executive positions that I have held and currently hold.

As we continue into our YIG session, I hope all of you find your passions and connect those to your friends and the strangers around you. The fires that those passions light in all of us are what make this program beloved and staggeringly impressive to everyone here at PreGov.