A Welcome from Your Secretary of State

Written by Sarah Sisto, 2020 Youth Secretary of State

Hey guys! I am so pumped for this upcoming Model Government session! I hope you all have a fantastic Pre Gov experience; it only gets better as we move forward! One of the most exciting parts of this experience is being able to give back to our community through this amazing program. This year for our service project, we are going to be packing lunches for the Salvation Army, everything going into these lunches has been donated by you guys. I am so thankful for the generosity that you all have displayed this year! I am a strong advocate for fighting hunger, after volunteering one afternoon at Salvation Army, packing and handing out bagged lunches to many in my community, I realized the impact one meal could make on a person. I am so excited for everyone to take part in this service opportunity!

Youth in Government is such an impactful program, and I sincerely hope all of you will be able to leave today and Model Gov with a greater understanding and appreciation of our state government, the court system, and the importance of a free press. When I joined Youth in Government three years ago, I had no idea that it would foster a deep love for our government and improved public speaking skills, which I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I have met so many amazing people who inspire me to reach my full potential every day. Nothing can beat the rush of passing your bill, winning your case, or seeing your name in print for the first time. We are only at the beginning of our session, enjoy these next two months and prepare all that you can for Model Gov. Today, don’t be afraid to talk to someone new, make new friends, learn a lot, and most importantly have a ton of fun! I am so excited to start!