Youth in Government: A first Year’s Perspective

Co-Authored by Abby Erickson & Lauren Seeman

Youth in Government is a great way to get involved in your community. It is the perfect opportunity for the young people in Eau Claire to learn more about government, politics, and current events. There are many different types of people involved in YIG who all joined for different reasons. This is how we perceived Youth in Government as first year members of the Eau Claire Delegation.

The reason we joined Youth in Government was because it was recommended to us by a friend from school. There are a lot of upperclassmen at our school who are also involved and helped peak our interest. Youth in Government had many alluring aspects that made us feel compelled to join.

Although we had already learned so much about Youth in Government, we wanted to check it out for ourselves. It is easy to say that we were both a bit nervous for our first meeting. We were unsure of what to expect and how the meeting would go.

The meeting ended up being very informational. Although we felt a bit overwhelmed with information, we were eager to learn more. Caucus groups quickly became the thing we looked forward to most when we got to Youth in Government meetings.

The other delegation members have been very inviting and we felt very welcome. Youth in Government has been quite enjoyable so far. We would highly recommend Youth in Government to other young people in our community for many reasons.

It is an incredible way to learn more about the government and current events. Youth in Government is a great opportunity to make new friends and learning to work well with others. Overall, Youth in Government has been a truly pleasant experience for us.