Ways To Fight Online Fatigue

By: Isabelle Baier

When using electronics for most of the day, there’s some things you can do to stay healthy. Something pretty basic you can do is get up and stretch. Do some jumping jacks and swing your arms a little. Just stand up and move your body. On the technological side of things, change your brightness to low and turn down the volume a little. 

Getting daily sunshine is also a healthy thing to start doing. Doing something as simple as taking your dog on a walk, going on a quick hike, or even just sitting on the porch for a few minutes can help you think clearer and feel better. Meditating is something a lot of people don’t really do, or even consider doing. But meditating, just breathing, and clearing your head, feels really nice. 

Making yourself a schedule for the day can help you stay on task. It doesn’t even have to be “big” things. Put on your schedule things like showering, eating a snack, playing with your dog, tidying your room, etc. Or, if having a schedule just stresses you out more, make a list of tasks instead. Some things to not put on the list would be do school, eat lunch, and things you already do. That’s the difference between a schedule and a list of tasks–if you made a schedule it would be because you want structure. Choosing a list instead would mean you don’t want to be stressed about not finishing things in time. The list doesn’t have to be very long, three or four things would be well enough. The reason your to-do list can be short is because you want to finish it. Checking off everything on your list feels amazing and makes you feel productive. Then, you’re more likely to make another list for tomorrow.

Being creative is a great way to get your brain juices flowing. You don’t have to be  a professional to pick up a paint brush once in a while, or to sketch something out of your favorite book. Making crafts can be really fun and doesn’t necessarily need a whole lot of artistic talent.

Socialize. That doesn’t mean hang out with a big group of people, (COVID is still a thing people!) but video call your friends, check up on each other once in a while, stay in touch. Keeping up with your friends can make you feel less alone during our social distancing times. Also, make sure to keep up with your hygiene. This may seem dumb, but brushing your teeth everday, brushing out your hair, showering, and changing your clothes, will make you feel clean. Being clean can help you just feel better.

Last tip, DRINK WATER. Drinking a few glasses of water a day can make you feel so great. Drinking water can get rid of headaches, and make you think clearer.

Brushing your teeth, going on a walk, and drinking water may not seem like very important issues. But you need to stay healthy during these times. Feeling good about yourself, feeling positive, being productive, are things we can all do to make this time of our lives go a little smoother. 

  • https://post.edu/blog/10-ways-online-students-can-stay-healthy/
  • https://ljlearningworks.com/12-ways-to-stay-healthy-for-online-students/
  • https://www.makatimed.net.ph/news-and-exhibits/news/6-health-tips-for-students-attending-online-classes-at-home