Emissions and Property Damage

By: Andrew Song

It should be noted that the following case has been fabricated solely for the purpose of Wisconsin Youth In Government Model Gov Conference. Jocelyn Song represented the Appellant, and Paige Givens represented the Respondent.

Jacob Barnes claimed global warming from factories’ carbon emissions caused such damage to his property. Barnes consequently attempted to sue large energy companies in his area for the destruction due to flooding. This flooding was because of rising water levels in the nearby lakes. 244 other homeowners also had the same complaint and demanded justice. He additionally claimed his argument met all the criteria needed to sue these businesses. 
First, there must be an injury to someone or damage to something involved in the incident. Second, there must be a relationship between the injury and the accused. Finally, the injury must be able to be corrected by the accused.

On the opposing side stated there was no relationship between global warming and the companies. There are countless sources that release carbon emissions into the air, which shows it cannot be blamed solely on the energy companies. It was also believed that without any connection between the damage and the companies, Jacob did not meet all the criteria needed to sue.