An Introduction to the Green Bay Steering Committee

As Youth in Government’s Model Gov. comes to an end this Sunday, it will mark the 1st anniversary of the creation of the Green Bay Steering Committee. 

The purpose of the committee was to help manage and plan the future coming off-season. Two days a month, the Green Bay YIG delegation would meet to hang out and learn more about government. One day would be for the steering committee. We would meet on Discord a week before the second meeting and discuss what the expectations were for the full delegation meeting. For example, we would talk about what we would be doing and what food we would have. 

The next week was a full delegation meeting that everyone in the delegation was invited to. This committee was directed by about five people until later in the season. The people overseeing the committee were Ben and Rudy, our delegation directors. Then we have the steering committee chair, JJ Butler, Our co-chair and scheduler, Cassi Garrison, and lastly our head of recruiting, Sawyer Vorpahl. Together we all organized every delegation meeting for the off-season. All this is thanks to the Mackenzie Scott Foundation, who gave us a grant so that we could fund all our snacks at our delegation meetings. 

“I love being in the steering committee,” said Garrison. “It’s a great way to be connected with the delegation.” These meetings eventually led to our normal season being funded by the construction company, Boldt. With that money, we were able to create the coolest YIG merch sweaters in existence. In conclusion, our steering committee was responsible for planning delegation meetings and building a greater sense of community among the participants.