What Does Media Do?

By Killian Winkel, Fox Cities

We do a lot in Media. We interview future governors, write about elections, film the Opening Ceremony, post on social media, and so much more. Any picture or video you see from Model Gov was the Media Branch, filming and editing. Media is responsible for any post on social media. In fact, the reason you may have joined is because of something Media created. This article will show you the process of what we do behind the scenes.

When we start an article during Model Government, we first submit the idea to a website called Zoho. On the website, we can see what everyone is working on and can see our progress. We then start researching our topic, either interviewing people, doing online research, or both. If we chose to interview, we have to track down the people we need and pull them out of whatever branch they’re in. After the research is done, we have to start writing. We have a large room, the North Hearing room, to write articles. It also doubles as our headquarters. Inside, we sit at long tables, writing and discussing our projects. Once we’ve finished writing the article, we send it to our Resource Advisor, Kayley, who may ask the writer to change or fix some things. If that happens, the author goes back and reviews the edits she suggested. Once the editor approves of the article, it’s passed on to the Media Director, Annika. She double-checks the article and, if she finds no faults, she publishes it in the YIG newspaper.

After a delegate writes an article, they can start on a video. Once they have an idea for what to do, they have to run it past Annika. If she approves the idea, the delegate can then start on the script. This is a document that gives a detailed description of the video and their plan for what they’re going to film. After this is run past Annika one more time, they can start filming. The delegate, or the team of delegates, are free to move throughout the Capitol, filming and interviewing other branches or people. Once everything is recorded, the editing starts. The Media Branch has just received new equipment and computers, which the videos will be edited on. Elora, the Assistant Media Director, is given all the video clips and creates the video. 

You can find all the articles and videos we create on https://wi.yigmedia.org/.