Changes in Legislative

By: Lily Suttner

Elle Running, a second year legislative delegate thinks in order to give everyone the opportunity to present their bill there needs to be a few changes. Some of the things Elle Running mentioned were to limit the number of people during the open debate sessions. Another big thing Elle Running mentioned was that delegates were doing too many amendments for bills that didn’t really need an amendment, she also thinks many of the amendments being created are irrelevant and unnecessary. Lastly, Elle believes that there is a lot of repeating going on while there is open debate in session. 

Anusha Achanti is a second year delegate in the legislative and has many solutions to get everyone to present their bill in the shortened amount of time we have for model government. One of the solutions she suggested was to add another day to model government, or even get to Madison on Friday earlier thank we usually do. This solution will not just help legislative delegates but also the media as well as the supreme court, by giving them more time for their projects.  Anusha had stated that the Assembly had only gotten through a total of 10 bills in one day, by using this solution we could get more work done and everyone can have a chance to present their bill.    

Sehraj Shodi  is a second year student in Youth in Government and is enjoying his second year in the legislative branch.  Sehraj has suggested a few ideas on how to let everyone present their bill with all of the delegates. One solution is to limit how much open debate is allowed, because it is too much and is taking up time we do not have. Another solution Sehraj suggested was to also extend the amount of days to model government because youth in government is just going to increase even more next year and we won’t be able to get through all of the bills now and especially in the future.