Delegates’ Favorite Part of Model Government

By: Bella Bauman

Model Government is the weekend that everyone looks forward to at Youth In Government. All the delegations work extremely hard preparing for their branch roles, whether it is writing bills, researching court cases, or filming videos. Getting to visit the Madison Capitol building is truly an amazing opportunity where delegates get to experience how the United States and state wide governments function. Delegates throughout all the branches, Media, Assembly, Senate, Supreme Court, and Leadership Cors, have all given their opinions on the happenings of Model Government. While there are many positive aspects of Youth In Government, there are definitely changes that delegates believe should be made.

During the program areas, delegates from every branch and delegation have stated that they enjoy making new friends, some of which they never would have known if they hadn’t joined Youth In Government. Assembly, Senate, and Leadership Cors. have all expressed that they loved writing, researching, and debating their bills. Almost every delegate has stated that being able to argue and debate their opinions on bills is exciting yet nerve-wracking and gives them an incredibly useful experience of public speaking.. Outside of the program areas, all delegates love to explore both the Capitol building and the surrounding city of Madison, as well as trying new, delicious restaurants. Participating in the Friday and Saturday Fun Nights have always been a huge hit and a less formal way to meet and converse with people you may have been intimidated to talk to. Supreme Court members have said that being able to argue their cases against both friends and people they hadn’t known previously. Those who are Justices say that it is an experience worth taking, along with being able to judge court cases instead of arguing for or against one. Lastly, a Senate delegate has stated that they love being able to see the behind the scenes of real government, for example, how much work actually goes into running a functional government. A few delegates have said that they are considering having a government position as a career and this is the best way to get a feel for what goes on in government. 

While many delegates absolutely love Model Government, they have stated that some changes may have to be made to enhance this experience for everyone. First off, a majority of delegates have expressed that there is simply not enough time to properly do their jobs. For example, in Assembly and Senate, there are a vast number of bills that need to be presented, debated, and amended. Leaders and delegates alike have found that they are rushing to get through bills and many don’t even have a chance to do anything with their bill. If they are paying to be here and spending their time at Model Government, they wish to be able to have the exciting experience presenting the bill they worked so hard on. If it is possible, an extra day at Model Government may improve this issue. In Supreme Court, one delegate stated that in the past they had partners that they worked on the cases with and having a helping hand would greatly improve the quality of their work. A Senate delegate has said that they believe the Senate leader should not be able to debate on the bills with everyone else, this takes up valuable time and the results and opinions of other delegates may be skewed. Although these may be small issues, the improvement of the experience of Model Government could be significant and relatively easy to solve. 

Thinking critically about this system allows Model Government to be the best it can be for as many delegates as possible. Model Government is an unforgettable experience, filled with loads of fun, making new friends, and being able to do jobs that are like no other. All delegates are looking forward to next year’s Model Government with new and returning delegates. Hopefully next year will be bigger and better than ever before!