Fox Cities Delegation: The Judicial Branch

By: Natalie Buss

What are the judicial leaders doing to prepare their delegates for success during the Pre-Government and Model Government sessions? Well, after sitting in on a few meetings under the direction of Supreme Court leaders Amanda Padgett, Sumi Lutzow, and Chief Justice Maggie Buss, it was revealed how they are preparing their delegates.

One popular “game” that is played during judicial meetings is the Um Game. This game is played by two opponents who are given a completely random topic and have a set amount of time that they have to talk about that topic. Sometimes the topics are debatable (ones that each opponent is
given a certain side to debate.)

As the debate goes on, you get a point each time you say “um” or use a vocal filler- or even hesitate in your speech. After the time has elapsed, the person with the least amount of points wins.

Another activity that the judicial leaders are using to prepare their delegates is a group mock debate. One example topic that was considered during a meeting was whether or not to lower the legal voting age to 16. One-half of the delegates were on the pro side and the other half were on the con side. The mock debate was run close to how a real debate would be run (with a few differences, of course). The delegates have to create and recite their opening summations, come up with points supporting their side, refute the other side’s points, and finally, create and recite their closing summations.

A third thing that the judicial leaders are doing to prepare their delegates for our two sessions is practicing their reasoning with old cases.

As well as practicing with the old cases, delegates are taught the general process of a case proceeding during Pre-Government and Model Government, terminology that they will most likely need, and how to look up real laws and regulations to help improve their points. It seems that the
delegates will be in tip-top shape for our Pre-Government and Model Government sessions this year.