Staying Motivated in Youth in Government

By: Annika Larsen

We all know that staying motivated can be hard, especially during this pandemic. Now, more than ever, we have had to create our own sources of motivation. That might be hard, so here are some of the things that help keep me driven within Youth in Government. Firstly, and most obviously, are due dates. Think about the fact that the content you create could have a large impact on other people, often in a good way. This impact could be lost if you don’t meet deadlines. It’s easy to forget that not doing your work or participating could not only make Youth in Government less enjoyable for you, but also for your fellow delegates and leaders. Secondly, writing and doing things that you are passionate about can have a big impact on your initiative. If you are working on something that you have strong emotions about, it will come to you easier and the work will be more enjoyable overall. Lastly, make the process pleasant. Whatever project you are working on may seem stressful at first, but it doesn’t have to be. If you find small ways to make it less stressful, you’ll create better content and enjoy doing it much more. Staying motivated can be difficult, but if you make an effort and make the work more enjoyable for yourself, it may not be so hard after all.