Youth Governor: Carter King

By: Julia Hartlep

In this new Youth in Government season, we welcome in new executive board members. Last year, Reez Bailey served as Wisconsin’s Youth Governor, and Carter King as Secretary of State. This year, King is still serving on the executive board, but as Youth Governor instead. 

But what does being Youth Governor mean? King states that “As Youth Governor, I help facilitate the program as a whole. That is evidently very broad, which is mainly the point. I will do everything from filling the gaps of who needs what to doing administrative work on various parts of the program.” The role of Youth Governor encompasses a broad scope of responsibilities, all ensuring that delegates have the best experience with this program as possible.

“During this time of the year, I am mainly focused on improvements and program building; once at Model Gov, my focus will turn more towards running the program and officiating the various processes we have.”

So what has been accomplished so far, this early in the season? Actually, a lot- “Our main pushes have been to create a delegate pen pal program, a direct line of communication, a reformed Gov. Cab, and the Gubernatorial Aide Commission amongst other things.” Even recruitment efforts have been deemed a success; the foundations of the future Green Bay delegation have developed greatly. Next, you can plan on seeing video lessons for future delegates.

As a final note, King says “This administration is big on seeing to it that the delegates get their voices heard and their worries solved.”

Keep this in mind as we all go about our various preparations for Model Gov in our separate delegations!