Interviewing Youth Governor and Lt. Governor of YIG

By: Liberal Butler, Green Bay

Youth in Government is a program for students grades 7-12 where students simulate the Wisconsin State Legislature, Executive Offices, Supreme Court, and Media. Students from across Wisconsin meet at the capitol building in Madison. Mandeep Kaleka is a senior at Appleton North and is the Governor of Wisconsin Youth in Government 2022. As Governor she works with others in the Executive branch, such as the Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of State. She has planned conferences like Pre-Government and Model Government. She is also trying to add more opportunities to become civically engaged outside of YIG.

Eva Bushman is the Youth Lieutenant Governor of Wisconsin Youth in Government 2022. This is her fifth year in Youth in Government. She is 16 years old and previously participated in the Legislative branch before becoming Youth Lt. Governor.

When asked about how this year’s YIG will turn out, both delegates expressed excitement for the upcoming events, as for the last two years it had been online due to Covid-19. They were also asked what motivated them to apply for their important positions. Delegate Kaleka responded by saying she looked up to a lot of people and they inspired her to run for Governor. Delegate Bushman said that she had some ideas for positive change and there was a chance to run, so she messaged delegate Kaleka to see if she would run with her. Now they work alongside each other.

People look into YIG and often see it as being too much work, even when there is a trip to the capitol included. The two delegates were asked to convince someone to join Youth in Government. They both agreed that the program has made their lives better in one way or another. Delegate Kaleka went more in depth, saying that YIG creates a safe space to safely disagree with someone and still be respectful in doing so.

Having something to inspire your work can make a world of difference. This is what the delegates commonly noted when asked about their inspirations. Delegate Kaleka responded, stating that her biggest inspiration was the older and younger students of YIG. They impressed her with their speaking skills. Delegate Bushman replied to the question by saying she was inspired by the thought of changing the YIG in a positive way like it had changed her life.