Proof You Can Achieve Your Dreams

By Brittany Lewin, Manitowoc

This article interviews a well-known person throughout YIG. His name is Henry Pahlow, and he was in the legislative branch for two years. This year would have been his third year in YIG, but plans changed and he ended up going to Washington D.C. to serve as a Senate Page along with 29 other students. 

Henry joined YIG because he has always had a love for government and has seen it as an opportunity for a future career.  He found a home within YIG and the people who participated. The intrigue of a model government is initially what brought him to YIG, however it was the people he met and the friendships he made which kept bringing him back.

Henry’s favorite position he held for a full term was being Senate Floor Leader; he loves debate. Being able to effectively control and move  debate forward was, in his words, “extremely fun”. It gave him the opportunity to develop great relationships with other officers in the Senate. Overall, he really enjoyed his time as Floor Leader and the debate experience that it gave him. Youth in Government means community. Henry couldn’t possibly tell you how many friendships he has made during his time at YIG.

Choosing to become a Senate Page was a very difficult decision, he said. It required a lot of sacrifices–including YIG. However, it is something he has dreamed of doing since he was a freshman. Every day, he’ll wake up, walk up to the U.S. Capitol, and see our democracy in progress. This is an experience very few people can claim.

Henry is going to miss his friends, the people he has become so close with and has come to love and admire. He says they have changed him in so many ways. He’ll never forget the laughter, fun memories, and heated debates. Without his friends from YIG, he would be a completely different person. Henry looks forward to returning to debate as a delegate next year, when he is a senior.

Henry is hoping to gain a greater understanding of our democracy and the governmental process. Every day he will be given the opportunity to witness our nation’s most esteemed leaders debating legislation that will affect all Americans. He feels as though he will be directly participating in it.
For those who are considering joining YIG, he says to just take the risk and join! Debate and public speaking might seem scary at first, but you will learn and grow so much as a person. He also recommends running for a leadership position! Even if you lose, it will teach you so much and build so many connections.

Being selected to be a Senate Page is a large honor and something that he has dreamed about. This opportunity is only open to around 30 students from across the country each semester. It was an incredibly difficult decision. At the end of the day, he is thankful for everyone who has supported him through his journey in YIG and beyond in life. He would not have had this opportunity without them