Assembly Bill Profiles

By: Abby Sippel

During the first day at Model Gov not only were the delegates hard at work with opening ceremonies and deciding where to eat, but with debating their bills. The delegates were hard at work formulating pro arguments that are for the bill and why it should be passed, well others are composing arguments against the bill and why the bill should not be passed. When watching the bill debate it was very enlightening and there was much open and upstanding debate on why the bills should or should not pass.

In Assembly bill #117, an act to give the youth a voice in custody arrangements was passed. Bill 117 was the first bill to pass in assembly this year so far. It had amazing debate with good arguments on both pro and con speakers. There was a lot of debate that was both positive and negative.The author of the bill made great rebuttals to the cons on the bill as well as bringing in support from the pro side of the argument. The bill is now in Senate and has passed with 4 amendments.

Another bill in Assembly is bill #152, an act to require everyone under 18 and ski patrol at ski resorts to wear a helmet was passed. When open debate was opened there were many speakers that were pro for the bill to require everyone under 18 and ski patrol at ski resorts to wear a helmet to prevent any injury. Many people brought up personal experience into the debate, which helped the bill author in formulating the closing summations for the bill. The author acknowledged both sides and rebutted the cons. This bill is currently in Senate and has passed with no amendments.

Bill #110 in Assembly is an act to require environmental education classes for all Wisconsin kindergarten through eighth grade students was passed. This bill had a majority that was for this bill with few con speakers. There were multiple informative pro debates. Almost everyone can agree that it was a very debatable bill. When stating the closing summation, the bill author addressed all of the con points brought up in debate in depth and rebutted the statements made to inform the rest of Assembly of more in depth of bill #110.

Bill 122 is an act to reduce food waste in restaurants and grocery stores was passed in Assembly. When debating the bill there were many questions about the bill, many of which were just clarifications about a part of the bill. The author was able to answer almost all of the clarification questions with ease while still being informative about the bill. When debating there was an amendment made that was passed, which brought down the 1000 dollar fine to a 150 dollar fine. This bill was highly debatable and had many considerable debates about how the bill was either very helpful or very hurtful to businesses and grocery stores. The pros and cons was very equal. Every time there was a con person speaking, next up was a pro person speaking. The bill author delivered an extraordinary closing summation, including and addressing con points that were debated during open debate.

These are just the few of many bills in the Assembly that have been passed, with more to follow in the next few hours and day.