Changes People Would Like to See in YIG

By: Liberal Butler, Green Bay

Youth in Government is a program where change is always happening, so of course people want some things to change or improve. People were interviewed and asked: “What changes would you like to see in Youth in Government?” Here are their answers.

1. Delegates would like more practice and preparation to prepare them for Model Government, as they were intimidated when they first arrived. This practice includes debate, public speaking, collaborating with peers, and practice within individual program areas.

2. The schedule needs to be more clear. Giving students a copy of the schedule on their lanyards like the advisors have would help address this issue. It would also be helpful if the schedule was covered more, perhaps discussed in the opening ceremony.
3. Delegates would like more facts about the Capitol and the city of Madison.

3. Delegates want more snacks.

4. Delegates would like more communication and interactions between the branches.

5. The Supreme Court needs more recognition.

6. Youth in Government should be extended across the state to more places in order to get more people involved.

7. Advisors would like to know more in depth about their role and duties.

8. It is popularly requested to bring back the Governer’s Ball..

9. Delegates would like more commute time, specifically for meals from the restaurants around the Capitol.

10. Delegates would also like more time to explore the Capitol.

11. It would be helpful to have more time when debating a bill with high debatability.
12. More judicial branch visibility is needed, as well as more Supreme Court community.

13. The time and opportunity to observe other branches in session would be very helpful for people with interest in different program areas.

14. In an effort to make YIG more accepting, it should be possible to put pronouns on the name tags.

15. The delegates want more youth voice; let the delegates decide how they want to adapt and change the conference or at least have more of an opinion with weight.

16. More organization on the individual delegation level is needed in order to promote education, program knowledge, and make things flow better at the conferences.

17. Participation in program areas besides Legislative, like Judicial and Media, needs to somehow be increased.